Adult Community Physiotherapy ServiceYou are here: Home ยป Adult Community Physiotherapy Service

Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability, through exercise, manual therapy, education and advice.

Our team consists of qualified physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants.

Our aim is to help patients with a wide variety of conditions to perform everyday physical activities and be as independent as possible within their home environment and their local community. We achieve this by:-

  • Providing information, advice, assessment and treatment for adults with a recent change in their physical ability
  • Providing assessment and advice for adults whose physical and functional abilities are declining
  • Providing training and support for carers and family members as appropriate
  • Working closely with the multi-disciplinary team at Teddington Memorial Hospital and colleagues in social services and the voluntary sector to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and support safe discharge home when an admission is needed.

We provide our service within patients’ homes and residential/nursing homes, and in our rehabilitation in-patient unit.

  • Post - orthopaedic surgery
  • Falls with or without a fracture
  • Balance problems
  • Mobility problems
  • Walking aid assessments
  • Stairs and outdoor mobility
  • Musculo-skeletal conditions
  • Neurological conditions

Our service is for adults aged 18 and over who have a Royal Borough of Kingston GP, live in the borough or within a one mile radius.  It is focused towards patients who are unable to access community services away from their home, whether this is a permanent or temporary situation.  

  • Community - patients who feel they would benefit from our service should discuss with their GP or other health care professional who will make a referral on their behalf if appropriate. All referrals are prioritised on clinical criteria and a waiting list system is in operation.

  • Patients being discharged from hospital are referred to us by the hospital physiotherapist.

  • In-patient rehabilitation unit – patients access this service via an acute hospital or their GP, after assessment.

  • All referrals are made through the Single Point of Access Tel: 020 8274 7088

We are based at:-

Hollyfield House, 22 Hollyfield Road, Surbiton KT5 9AL

Community Physiotherapist, Vickie Doy


Single Point of Access (for referrals)
Tel: 020 8274 7088

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