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The Continence team provides a service for adults who have a bladder or bowel dysfunction problem.

Patients must be registered with a Kingston GP and their GP will refer them to the service.

The continence nurse specialist will provide a comprehensive and holistic assessment. normally at one of the clinics, which run Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 5 pm and are provided at Surbiton Health Centre. The service is also provided to those who are housebound.

Once a diagnosis has been made you may be asked to take part in a treatment programme. which may include:

  • Advice about fluid intake
  • Lifestyle advice
  • Weight management
  • Bladder retraining techniques
  • Diabetes control
  • Environmental adaptations
  • Management of constipation
  • Smoking cessation
  • Pelvic floor exercises
  • Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation
  • Medication management
  • Management of urinary tract infections
  • Referral back to your GP or for urologist / gynaecologist investigations at Kingston Hospital.

The prescribing of incontinence pads will be considered if all other strategies for promoting continence have failed.

Deliveries take place every 16 weeks for people in their own home and every 12 weeks for people in residential homes. A face-to-face reassessment is made with all patients in the continence service every six months.

Surbiton Health Centre 
Ewell Road
Surrey KT6 6EZ

Tel: 020 8274 7501

Patients will contacted individually if their service is moving.

Patients are requested to report to the First Floor Reception Area on arrival.

There are 70 parking spaces for use by patients with appointments. A number plate checking system is in place and you will need to enter your vehicle registration number when you check in for your appointment.

Enuresis (bedwetting) affects a significant proportion of children.

The School Health Nursing Team offer an Enuresis Service for children resident within the borough of Kingston, those attending a Kingston School or are registered with a Kingston GP.

For more information please click on the link for the School Nursing Service

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