Integrated Occupational Therapy ServicesYou are here: Home ยป Integrated Occupational Therapy Services

Occupational therapy enables people to achieve health, well-being and life satisfaction through participation in purposeful activities of daily living.

Our aim is to help patients with a wide variety of conditions to maximise their independence as much as possible within their home environment and local community.

We provide our service within patients’ homes for the following:-

  • Recovery from post -Orthopaedic surgery
  • Recovery from falls with or without a fracture
  • Musculo-skeletal conditions
  • Re-gaining independence after returning home from hospital
  • Acute/short-term ill health not requiring hospital admission for treatment.

We achieve this by;

  • Working closely with colleagues in at Your Healthcare and Kingston Hospital, social services and the voluntary sector, to prevent unnecessary hospital admissions and help timely and safe discharges home from hospital when an admission has been necessary.
  • Providing assessment, information, advice, and treatment for adults to rehabilitate them back to their previous level of independence with meaningful daily activities.
  • Setting specific rehabilitation goals to work towards in collaboration with the occupational therapist e.g. independence with washing and dressing, preparing a hot drink or meal.
  • Using aids and equipment, providing opportunities to practice skills under the supervision and support of occupational therapy assistants and enablers/rehabilitation assistance to build confidence as well as skills.
  • Providing training, advice and support for carers and family members as appropriate.
  • Provide signposting to support and guidance to appropriate voluntary services.

The Integrated Occupational Therapy Service support those who are;

  • 18 years and older.
  • Registered to a Kingston GP.
  • Consented to referral.
  • No previous package of care.
  • Motivated to engage with rehabilitation process.
  • Experiencing short-term ill health or injury [i.e., fall, fractures, post-operative, acute infection]. 
  • Expected to regain some level of independence.

Community - patients who feel they would benefit from our service should discuss with their GP or other health care professional who will make a referral if appropriate.

Patients being discharged from hospital are referred to us by the hospital occupational therapist.

All referrals are made through the Single Point of Access and are screened by a duty occupational therapist.

Our team consists of qualified Occupational Therapists, Occupational Therapy Assistance, and Rehabilitation Assistants.

We are based at:- Hollyfield House, Hollyfield Road, Surbiton, KT5 9AL.

Team Lead: Noel Honeywill

Tel: 020 8274 7088


Single Point of Access

Tel: 020 8274 7088

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