Learning Disability Services
In general, people with a learning disability should be using mainstream services. However, there will be times when this is not possible or appropriate and specialist services need to be involved. We work with adults with a learning disability who have a GP in the Richmond or Kingston Borough.
The multidisciplinary team includes: Community Nursing, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Behaviour Analysis, Speech and Language Therapy (including Dysphagia), supported by an administration service.
The Learning Disabilities team offers a range of assessments, interventions and advice for improving health and wellbeing including:
- Communication
- Behaviours which challenge
- Dysphagia (swallowing difficulties)
- Mobility / Exercise / Postural Management
- Health facilitation and health promotion
- Mental Health and wellbeing
- Participation and performance of occupations/ tasks/ activities of daily living
- Diet management/ healthy lifestyles
- Epilepsy
- Audiology
- Significant Emotional & Relationship Difficulties
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